Saturday, 6 November 2021

Why A Spine Doctor Highly Recommends A Back Pain Treatment

Back pain is a very common complaint from most medical patients. Most people, especially those who do not want to spend a penny on medical consultations would tend to ignore their pain in the hope that it would go away after some time. They do not know what risks they may be taking by choosing to ignore it. Back pain takes a while to be treated. For a mild pain, it could take a few weeks while it could take months for a severe pain. It may be a symptom of a more serious medical problem which we may never find out until the condition has already worsened.

Most of the time back pain is caused by a disorder of the spinal cord. If you are suffering from back pain, it would be best to consult a doctor. After examining your condition, a spine doctor would definitely recommend that you undergo treatment as soon as possible. A spine doctor would highly recommend a pain treatment even if your condition is just the mildest. 

He is most likely to recommend that you go through conservative treatments like back exercises, pain reliever creams or ointments, etc. A spine doctor would let you go through a conservative treatment first for a certain period of time. If it does not seem to work for you, he would recommend that you go through a surgical spine treatment. Your spine doctor will not stop treating your back pain until it totally disappears.

Why would your spine surgeon in Chennai highly recommend treatment? What is it in this condition that he is so eager to treat if the pain could be temporarily alleviated by pain relievers anyway?

A spine doctor would highly recommend a treatment because he knows that it is a symptom of a much more complicated medical problem. A doctor knows that a simple pain can get worse.

The spinal cord plays a very important role in the human anatomy. It holds the nerves that sends signal from the brain through the different parts of the body. It is divided into different parts that depend on which part of the body it is associated with. The different parts of the spinal cord include the sacral vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae and the cervical vertebrae.

If your spine doctor finds out that what causes your pain is a disorder on the sacral part of your spinal cord, he knows that you are most likely to have a more complicated problem with your urinary tract or your reproductive system. If he finds that your pain is caused by a disorder on the lumbar part of the spinal cord or the cervical part, he knows that you would be having a serious problem with your body senses or you may even suffer from paralysis.

Your doctor would highly recommend a treatment because he would not want you to suffer more complications. If your spine doctor tells you to get treatment, it would be best to follow rather than wait until it goes away because it may not at all.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Early Pregnancy Back Pain

Normal and short-term phenomenon

Early pregnancy back pain is a normal phenomenon in this most beautiful period of a woman's life. Most of the expectant mothers witness some degree of back pain during the early phase of pregnancy and this pain generally subsides after about 20 weeks. 

Backache or spasm, which is reflected by stretching of muscles or burning pain in the left or the right side of the quadrant, is normally the result of the softening of the supporting ligaments and disks due to an increase in the progesterone hormone during the early stage. In some cases, urinary infection during pregnancy can also result in pain in the back amongst pregnant women explained by some of the best neurosurgeons in Chennai. The extra weight of a pregnant women's body and the change in her centre of gravity also result in backaches and pain.

Remedies For Pregnancy Back Pain

The most important and safe remedy for the treatment of early pregnancy back pain is exercising. This is mainly because certain medications for back related pain is contraindicated during early pregnancy. 

Walking, pelvic rocking, bridging (done by lying down on the floor, bending your knees and lifting your buttocks into air), mini-crunches (done by lying down on the floor), bending your knees and lifting your head on exhalation, are good exercises for relief from pack pain during early pregnancy. Pregnant women do these exercises on their own to relieve back pain.

The right body posture and good body mechanics also play an important role in keeping one free of early pregnancy back pain. The right posture for prevention of back pain is standing straight and tall. However, the importance for correct postures is as essential in early pregnancy as before that. 

However, in late pregnancy, as the uterus becomes big, one tends to pull back her shoulders to offset the additional weight, which results in a back strain. You can reduce this pain during later stages in such a position by frequently changing your sitting position and avoiding standing for long periods.

Adequate rest and sleep are also essential for avoiding or eliminating early pregnancy back pain. You should take proper rest and avoid strenuous activities to avoid it during your pregnancy. You can also do normal yoga exercises to eliminate minor pain. 

However, if it persists you should consult your doctor and take proper medication for relief from back pain. In some cases of pain in the back, doctors may prescribe physiotherapy for relief. Massages and use of special mattresses are also effective for back pain relief during pregnancy.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Laser Disc Surgery To Cure Spine Problems in Chennai

As what the readers may have been able to guess from the title of this particular article about the laser disc surgery, it is true indeed that they can take advantage of the laser disc surgery for the purpose of treating the spine ache they suffer from, if any. However, a laser disc surgery is not that simple after all. There are things that the prospective laser surgery patients will have to bear in their mind in the event they are planning about undergoing a laser disc surgery. There are reasons why people undergo a laser disc surgery instead of the average surgeries.

Well, to get things going, the first thing of utmost importance that people will have to take into account is how much pain the maximum pain they can bear is. If they, or the prospective spine ache patients think that they can bear all sorts of painful feelings, then they will be better off opting for the average surgeries and simply forget about the laser disc surgery at all.

However, most people are simply normal human beings. The thing about being the normal human beings is that everything has a limit. For an example, human beings can eat food up to a certain limit. Human beings can also drink only up to a certain limit. There is even a limit of how many hours normal human beings can sleep through. With those things being said, it should be clear by now that there is also a limit of pains that human beings can normally withstand.

As a matter of fact, the limit of pain endurable by people has become one of the main reasons why a laser disc surgery was planned into concept and finally invented by best spine surgeons in Chennai. For the purpose of carrying out a laser disc surgery, the processes associated with it need to be carried out in a different manner when compared to the other conventional surgery techniques in applications.

In the case of a laser disc surgery, the doctors will not be making too many cuts that they normally would any other surgery techniques. Instead, what the doctors will do can be considered quite simple. All the doctors will try to do is simply to make a transfer of a laser needle -- made of fiber, it seems -- into a part known as the vertebral disc within the spine ache patients' body. In most cases, this disc is known to be the one that gets the impact of the spine ache the most.

It is amazing that by performing such a simple thing, the patients can often recover in almost no time at all and, most importantly, without too much pain to worry about.